Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rabbit Rads

Origami rabbit pin by Singapore label, Hug-a-porcupine.
 Pic Source: the Little Drom Store

Shinzi Katoh's illustration! A cute rabbit fabric badge i bought at Moose stall at Unwrapped market.
Last week i made these dark chocolate rabbits using the molds i bought from Spotlight. Cute!

another cute rabbit wooden brooch/badge bought at Moose stall. Still searching to find out who made this.
If you know, let me know ya!
One thing i'm sure is that it's made by Australian designer/artist as Moose sells all local Aussie goods!

Also i stumbled upon these lovely bubbly child-like tunes at Lullatone via the Little Drom Store's tweet. Cute tunes that i can listen to all day long. You should listen to them too!

Happy Mid-Week!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Recap: the last weekend of March 2011

Friday evening I made my first attempt on making macarons.
For some reason, i have become obsessed with macarons lately. I think it was partly because i bought Poh's cookbook from Borders (with discount! yay!) There's a recipe on macarons inside!

image from ABC website

and partly also because recently i found a patisserie making delicious macarons in my neighbourhood! Like just 10min walk (5min drive) away! I was smitten by the deliciously sweet macarons!

Turkish Delights, Pistachio, Jelly Bean macarons made by Ruby's Patisserie.

Since then i've been thinking of giving it a go to make some myself. And also, I spotted a macaron stall at UpMarket last week and my friend in Adelaide mentioned about her friend making yummy macarons too!
So with all these exposure & attention on macarons, i gave in and read & prepare for my first attempt on macaron-making.
I refer to a few recipes, but mostly followed this macaron recipe by Tartelette. It's a beautiful food blog by the talented french food photographer & styling, also a pastry chef, Helen Dujardin. She has many variation of different kinds of cakes/macarons/desserts recipes.

For the shells:90 gr egg whites (about 3) <I carefully aged my egg whites for at least 48hours by leaving them in the fridge>
30 gr granulated sugar <which is caster sugar>
200 gr powdered sugar <which is icing suger in Aussie>
110 gr almonds

(read Tartelette's macaron recipe for the step by step directions)

I totally forgotten about the coffee powder as i was too concentrated on getting the mixture right. So my first batch of macarons were just ordinary shells with a hint of pink colour.
As for the filling, i made cream cheese frosting* (used for cupcakes) to replace the buttercream mentioned in the recipe. *Just because i made some red velvet mini-cupcakes before i attempted macarons. Strangely enough, lately i have been experimenting with baking cupcakes trying all sorts of recipes. I think it's because finally the oven is FIXED! yay.

So, as you can see, I am not very good at following recipes...very bad i know.
Also, i made a few mistakes along the way, but fortunately at least my macarons looked almost like perfect macarons, except they were a bit bigger in size, a bit odd-looking and with almost-non-existent chewiness in the center. But overall, i was quite happy with the end result! The first time experience was raw & sensational. When i smelled the beautiful aroma from the oven, i died a little inside..haha!

my first attempt on making macarons

yummy red velvet mini-cupcakes with animals & sprinkles!

Saturday lunch with church friends at O'Mama Kopitiam at Karawara. I had Nasi Lemak with beef rendang. you can read more about the yummy comprehensive café review by the Food Pornographer blog.

yummy Malaysian cuisine at O'Mama!
Sunday arvo i popped by Unwrapped market at Angelo St, South Perth.

goodies by Moose Stall.

Top: photos taken while browsing at Moose Stall...they were selling a variety range of goods from local designers from all over Australia. Top Right: colourful Cat Rabbit Felt Necklaces. They are cute, aren't they!

bottom from left to right: Keep Calm & Eat Cupcakes! yummy peanut butter with Reese peanut choc cupcake by Kustom Cupcakes! & lots of lovely accessories and cards at Made of Awesome stall. I bought a lovely brooch & a necklace from Made of Awesome by Little Miso.

lovely Hello There wooden brooch by Little Miso

things that caught my eyes at Unwrapped
There was fashion show happening on a hot... oh did i forget to mention that it was a very hot sunny 36degree!? day in Perth....yep, we are still having quite summery weather which can be dreadful at times for i dislike heat. i sweated like a pig at the market. haha.

And someone decided to airbrush the fluffy white fur of the dogs with funky neon pink & baby blue!! I heard a guy commented that it was cruel, while another person said it was awesome. I personally think the idea was fun...and also hoping that there's no side effect/harm to the dog's wellbeing. haha!

There was free suncreen for everyone!! Good thought!

Shiny Rabbit! haha... i actually saw many many many craft work/goods/accessories with rabbit/ rabbit related at the market. As i am an avid rabbit fan, this was quite overwhelming...but i knew i have to keep calm & not be too overexcited! haha!
I saw this stall with such witty name, i couldnt resist but to snap a shot and comment to the ladies how i like the name 'Shiny Rabbit'.

and look at the lacey black hand chic, so vintage. Nice one!

wooden The End necklace by Little Miso
Hope you have had a lovely weekend too!! :-D

Friday, March 25, 2011

Coffee at Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever at Bon Marche Arcade

iced lemon tea & cappuccino at Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever is also taking part in Coffee Appreciation Trail as part of Eat Drink Perth.

I've mentioned about voting for your favourtie coffee & get a chance to win a year's supply of your favourite coffee here.
You can read about how to vote for your favourite coffee here.

And my vote goes to Cabin Fever. Yay!
Simply because the coffee was yummy with creamy froth served on a lovely vintage saucer. It was not too expensive comparing to other cafés. Just $3.50 a cup while some are selling at $3.90 a regular cup.
Also, i like the ambience in the little quaint café, the vintage mix-match furniture, & the shelves full of vintage tea cups & the lady (i think her name is Ruth) really makes good coffee.

a collection of vintage cups & saucers

spend your quiet arvo here at Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever is Pigeonhole’s café & gallery space. Some events like music and theatre performances, craft nights and small-scale art exhibitions are happening there this month. Find out more about the events at Cabin Fever here!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

ETSY: yummy iphone cases

These handmade iPhone cases are so enticing!! Here are some of my picks. They are made by talented ETSY YummyPocket from Canada. They are indeed Yummy, aren't they! :-)

Txt happy case (my fav txt expression)
fancy moustache iPhone case

Images from Yummy Pocket ETSY

Pixel Heart iPhone case
cute ice-cream iphone case

cassette tape iphone case
Notebook paper iPhone case
iPhone cases size:13cm by 8cm.

Question Block iPad Sleeve
 "This Super fun Sleeve is sure to keep your iPad snug with its 2 layers of cozy felt. This mysterious block is made of light orange and white felt." Click here to buy!

brought to you by...
go to ETSY now & browse!

Begin your day with...

The Art of  the Title Sequence. A massive long string of movie blockbusters.
Simply fascinating. Well-done.
I like the appearance of the Pink Panther & Juno!

A Brief History of Title Design from Ian Albinson on Vimeo.
Presentation video for the SXSW "Excellence in Title Design" competition screening.

Editor: Ian Albinson (

Initial concept: David Horridge (
Special thanks: M. Keegan Uhl (, Bill Simmon (


Music: RJD2 "Ghostwriter"


Full film and television listing:

Phantom of the Opera
King Kong
Modern Times
My Man Godfrey
Make Way For Tomorrow
Citizen Kane
The Maltese Falcon
Gun Crazy
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Lady in the Lake
Fallen Angel
The Thing
Singing in the Rain
The Man with the Golden Arm
Anatomy of a Murder
North by Northwest
Grand Prix
To Kill A Mockingbird
Dr. No
The Pink Panther
Dr. Strangelove
Soylent Green
Mean Streets
Star Wars
Saturday Night Fever
Raging Bull
The Terminator
The Untouchables
Do The Right Thing
Forrest Gump
The Naked Gun
Cape Fear
Reservoir Dogs
Natural Born Killers
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Donnie Brasco
Mission Impossible
Dawn of the Dead
Fight Club
Catch Me If You Can
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Fall
Casino Royale
Six Feet Under
Mad Men
Iron Man
The Kingdom
Sherlock Holmes
Up In The Air
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Robin Hood
The Social Network
Enter The Void
-- source: here.

Read more about it here.

Monday, March 21, 2011

bits of my weekend...and more happenings in Perth!

The weather was perfect over the weekend for markets!
First stop was the William St Art & Culture Festival.

There were so many people, lots of food stalls & stalls selling handmade goodies, accessories & clothings.

There was also some screenprinting action happening at the Festival. It looked so much fun! I always wanted to learn screenprinting. It must be simply awesome to print your own bags & T-shirts.

After strolling down William St, my friend & i headed to UWA for UpMarket.
We reached there around 3pm, so it was not as crowded as before.

I was captured by the beautiful delicate shapes of sparrow & butterflies porcelain ornaments at one of the stalls. They would be so perfect to decorate a plain white wall. They were once part of beautiful vintage  porcelain china. Sold for $45 each.

Image from Twice Loved website.

Find out more about these lovely ornaments at Twice Loved website.

While we were there, we also found out about another upcoming festival in Perth! Angove Street Festival will be happening at North Perth on 10th April. There'll be Upmarket stalls, classic car show, street performers and the list goes on. I think I am most definitely going. Better mark the date down on my calendar!

On top of that, another exciting event is happening this coming Sunday, 27th March. Unwrapped <the marketplace> is to be held at Angelo Stree, South Perth somewhere near Perth Zoo according to google map.

Unwrapped designers will fill Angelo Street with colour and creativity as part of the final event of South Perth Fiesta 2011.
Enjoy browsing 60 boutique stalls packed with art, fashion, jewellery, photography, kidswear, accessories, homewares, skincare and much more...

Glad to know that there are so many events happening around Perth lately. It's a good thing that the art culture is growing & expanding in Perth. Personally, i simply love the idea of markets like the above. I reckon William Street Art Culture Festival should be held more regularly simply because it was so much inspiration and fun.

To market, to market!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Fab Five-day

Image: a collection a day by Lisa Congdon.

Here are my five highlights of events in Perth during March/April which i am pretty excited about.

1. Yay! UpMarket is here again! This Sunday 20th March. 10-4pm.
at Winthrop Hall, Unversity of Western Australia
35 Stirling Hwy

2. William St Culture & Arts Festival this Sunday 20th March. 10-4pm. Same day as UpMarket!
*The road will be closed between Brisbane and Newcastle Streets, creating the perfect venue to celebrate the artistic and multicultural vibrancy of the area.

3. Bicycle Swap Meet on Saturday 26th March. 8-1pm.
@ Russell Square, James St, Northbridge. Learn crochet from Granny Funk! Anything to do with bike is fun! unfortunately i don't think i could make it this time.

4. KickstART Youth Market

  • WHO: Everyone, especially young people aged 12 - 25 years!

  • WHEN: Saturday, 2nd April 2011

  • TIME: 10am - 4pm


  • WHERE: Perth Cultural Centre

  • 5. Coffee Appreciation Trail - 1-31st March 2011

    part of
    I love coffee. Anything with coffee. However, recently i have been drinking more earl grey tea at home & work rather than coffee. Yes, I am now a coffee+tea person. I love my earl grey with a dash of milk.

    When i saw this event on Eat Drink Perth website, i thought i would like to try some of the cafés mentioned above in the Coffee Appreciation Trail. I've never been to any one of them so it would be really interesting to check out these venues.

    so far i've tried cappuccino from Frisk & CNR cafés. Prices around $3.80-$3.90 for small cup.
    I quite like Frisk's coffee for its creamy froth, the natural sweetness from the milk & the retro lounge area.
    CNR is located at a very nice sorta hidden spot at James st corner Lake St. The coffee smell was great & i quite like the round sturdy metal cylinder as seats too.

    The next cappuccino i want to try is from Ristretto Espresso Specialists which is currently top with a 268 votes. Also, i always wanted to have a cuppa at the Cabin Fever by the awesome people from Pigeonhole. Haven't get around to it. So, that's on my list too!

    *You can vote for the best coffee served here and win a year's supply of free coffee from your favourite venue.

    I will reserve my vote until after i've tried a few more. But somehow i really hope that Cabin Fever will have the highest vote cause i went past it a few times, it looks like a really comfy homely place to spend your afternoon at.

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    Hej Kontor Kontur

    I first stumbled upon these awesome collections at A Girl named Tor tumblr. Simply so good that i just have to share them with you too! Enjoy!
    beige collection

    yellow lemon collection
    eco-green collection
    deep blue sea collection
    hot pink collection
    smart black collection
    vintage brown collection
    velvet red collection
    clean white love collection
      Swedish Design Collaboration, Kontor Kontur has put together these amazing collections of stationery & collectables according to different colour palette! I love the little fine details like the paper clips & buttons.

    >>>>>>>Find out more about Kontor Kontur here!<<<<<<<<<<
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